Half life portal timeline
Half life portal timeline

half life portal timeline

  • CDC Director Statement on Pfizer’s Use of COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents Age 12 and Older.
  • Baker-Polito Administration Announces Employer Vaccination Program, Extension of Targeted free COVID-19 Testing Sites, Provides Weekly Dose Updates.
  • CDC Releases Updated Guidance for those Who've Been Fully Vaccinated.
  • Getting Your Teen Vaccinated: Where to Find the Pfizer Vaccine.
  • Baker-Polito Administration to Lift COVID Restrictions May 29, State to Meet Vaccination Goal by Beginning of June.
  • City of Cambridge to Lift Remaining COVID-19 Restrictions Along with the Commonwealth on Saturday, Eviction Moratorium to End on June 15, 2021.
  • City's COVID-19 Testing Sites will Offer COVID-19 Vaccinations and a Modified Schedule in June.
  • Governor Baker Files Legislation to Extend Certain COVID-19 Emergency Measures.

  • Half life portal timeline